What are the causes of drilling rig track shoe damage?

In recent years, tracked rotary drilling rigs have been widely used. Due to the relatively harsh construction environment of rotary drilling rigs, the track shoes will inevitably be loose, damaged, broken, and other faults. So what are the causes of damage to the track shoe of rotary drilling rigs?

The reasons for the damage and track shedding of the drilling rig are as follows:
  • Improper operation during turns

When the drilling rig turns, if one side of the track shoe moves while the other side does not. It will cause significant rotational movement, the track may get caught on uneven road surfaces leading to damage.

  • Driving on uneven terrain

During earthwork operations, the construction site is often uneven. Incorrect driving on such terrain can cause localized weight distribution and increased pressure, resulting in damage to the track shoe.

  • Failure to timely clean debris from the track shoe assy

Debris such as rocks or mud may enter the track of the rotary drilling rig during work or movement. If not cleared before driving, debris can get squeezed between the drive wheel, idler, and track shoe, leading to loosening and eventual track chain breakage.

  • Extended driving operations

Rotary drilling rigs cannot be driven for extended periods like cars. Prolonged driving can damage the walking mechanism of the rig and reduce its lifespan. When transporting the rig over long distances, it is advisable to use a flatbed trailer.

  • Improper parking

The rotary drilling rig must be parked on flat ground. Parking on uneven surfaces can lead to uneven stress on the track shoe, causing one side to bear more weight and potentially resulting in track breakage or cracks.

Taking the following measures can address wear and tear on the crawler walking mechanism. If significant wear occurs early on, operations should be stopped immediately. Check the alignment of the idler, carrier roller, track roller, and sprocket with the longitudinal centerline of the chassis.

 To extend the service life, swap the front and rear support wheels while keeping the single and double-sided support wheels in their original positions. When components reach their wear limits, use hard surfacing to repair or replace worn idler, carrier roller, track roller, and sprocket. If track links have elongated due to wear, consider reversing the links or replacing them with new ones.

If you have any inquiries about Drilling Rig Undercarriage Parts, such as track shoes, track chain assembly, track roller, carrier roller, sprocket, and idler. Please feel free to contact us.

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